Wednesday, February 24, 2010

SNOW in South Central TEXAS!

It snowed ALL DAY yesterday, the wind was blowing, I thought I had been transported to Minnesota or something! The neighborhood kids had fun playing in it - about 3 inches stuck to the ground. I had to cancel a doctor's appointment and spent the day inside. So did the animals! Here's a picture of my golden retriever Boozoo down by the creek that runs next to our house. After he figured out this wasn't going away, he had fun getting snow all over himself.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Doll Show was lots of fun!

This past weekend I was an exhibitor at a big doll show and I sold enough to make our expenses UNTIL I bought an American Model doll - for a good price but still... My husband went along, had a good time, and told me on the way home that he learned a lot about what I do and was real impressed (ha). People wanted to buy but we could all tell that the economy was putting a halt to a lot of spending. The same show is being held in San Antonio in August and we might try that one... Here I am!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Cloth Dolls and GEAUX SAINTS!

I'm posting a picture of my latest dolls. These were both made from Judi Ward's Whatever, Whatever pattern, a fun class I took years ago. I had fun making jewelry for both dolls, too! Oh yeh, Geaux Saints in the Super Bowl!